Monday, June 20, 2011

The Duck was Wearing a Yellow Hat!

The pictures below were taken in University Place, WA, a city next to Lakewood -- it's to the north of Lakewood. We went to the library there today and were surprised to see that the sculpture of the mama duck (such a neat sculpture) in front of the library had a yellow hat on her head! I couldn't understand why someone would do that, I mean that seems very strange, you know? But my daughter explained to me that there is something called "yarn bombing" -- it's graffiti with yarn!

When people yarn bomb they knit or crochet things and apparently put them on just about anything -- trees, poles, statues, bridges, etc. My daughter said that last week there was even a yarn bombing day. Here's a website I found about yarnbombing: After hearing about yarn bombing, I thought, well, that's actually kind of neat. :) Here are some pictures of mama duck with her pretty yellow hat on her head!

I thought this post would be perfect to link to Mellow Yellow Monday!  :)


  1. I've never heard of this-but it sounds like a lot of fun!!!!

  2. Lol.. you made me smile! I'd never heard of yarn bombing before someone left a comment on a shot of some 'Knitted Trees,' in Pioneer Square (a public art display). Take a look if you'd like at:

  3. Thank you both! :)

    Madge ~ I took a look at the picture, and I love it! Thanks for directing me to it. :-)
